Textile Technology and Sartorial Craftsmanship


I was born in Puglia in 1975, in Margherita di Savoia, between the azure waters of the sea and the pink waters of Europe’s largest salt flats.

In 2001, I graduated in Law from the University of Siena, and shortly after, I moved to Rome, where I began working at the Chamber of Deputies. At the same time, I also completed my studies at the Higher School of Legislative Studies.

In 2008, I made the bold decision to completely change my life, leaving my job to create a small Italian fashion business. I moved to Maremma, drawn by the beauty of a land both magical and overwhelming, and it was there that I brought my project to life, presenting in 2011 the first SINAPSI’ collection, a line of luxurious, elegant, and hand-embroidered swimwear. Mi trasferisco in Maremma, attratta dalla bellezza di una terra magica e travolgente e qui do corpo e anima al mio progetto, presentando nel 2011 la linea SINAPSI’ di costumi da bagno preziosi, eleganti e ricamati a mano.

In 2014, I embraced a new chapter in sophisticated, beautiful Bergamo, where I had the chance to discover and appreciate the excellence of local craftsmanship.

Through collaborations with local businesses, I was able to give further momentum and international reach to my work as an entrepreneur and designer, pursuing with passion a global research journey driven by my innate desire to find harmony between who we are and what we desire.

In 2016, I launched my new brand, VALERIA DAMATO, dedicated to travelers, businesswomen, and socialites, offering them comfortable, versatile, and always chic clothing. Today, I live in Milan, where I’ve opened my own small atelier, a secret address in the heart of the city, accessible by appointment only.


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